The days of the traveling circus featuring elephants and wild cats are mostly gone. But some circuses still go from town to town, bringing the animals…
The title The Invisible Reich and the swastika on the cover might give you the wrong idea about Kenneth Pazder's book. It is fiction, and it is not about…
How would your dog do on the SATs? The question is a joke, but not the concept of testing dogs for problem-solving abilities. Oregon State University's…
Congress rewrote chemical safety laws a couple of years ago, with instructions to the Environmental Protection Agency to work to reduce testing of…
One of the more notable ballot measures in California's November election could be a real chicken fight. Because it is all about the treatment of farm…
Pet stores in California will be stocked differently under a bill just signed into law. That law makes the state the first in the country to ban pet…
Yeah, your pets cost you a few bucks when you have to take them to the vet. But aren't they worth it? For that matter, is it possible they've saved you…
People may sit atop the food chain on Earth, but they can certainly learn things from the other animals. The Kerulos Center in Southern Oregon is all…
Oregon Health Sciences University--OHSU--has released the list of problems it’s experienced in its animal research centers over the last 16 months.They…
Does the cat actually judge you when you trip on your bathrobe belt? We can't rule it out. Science knows a lot more about animal thinking these days,…
The recent announcement from Sea World that it will phase out the "performances" of orcas before crowds represents another step in a series. Industry is…