Marc Yaffee is one of three stand-up comedians in the upcoming Native Comedy All-Stars show on August 30 at the Ross Ragland Theater in Klamath Falls - along with Vaughn Eaglebear and Gilbert Brown. JPR's Vanessa Finney recently spoke with Yaffee about his art and how his Native heritage helps shape his sense of humor.
April Fools' Day has arrived, so we should talk about some fools. Or at least some people who have perceived fools through history, especially fools…
John and Gordan Javna are no strangers to the sound of laughing. They produce a lot of it themselves: John started, and Gordon continued, the series Uncle…
A professor of Yiddish literature and a journalist walk into a studio. You were expecting a joke? Actually, there will likely be several as we visit with…
It may be harder to describe the work of comedians than any other performers.And harder still when you try to describe or explain the work of the late…