Oregon public higher education will cost more next year. Which seems to be the story every year. Southern Oregon University backed off its highest…
The budget leaders in the Oregon legislature made it clear that the plan they released a few weeks ago is only a framework, with lots of opportunity for…
Enrollment is at record levels in the California State University system, which includes Humboldt State. But CSU is considering raising tuition for the…
Southern Oregon University is not a very big campus, but its price tag figures to get bigger in the next academic year. A budget shortfall for Oregon…
Tight budgets are forcing state universities on both sides of the line to raise tuition. At this point, the only question for Oregon students is how MUCH…
The last couple of decades have been hard on college students. The cost of higher education--even at public universities--skyrocketed. As a result,…
The high cost of college sends students and their parents high and low in search of financial aid. There are lots of pots of money to draw from, and lots…
Maybe you got a student loan or two to get through college. A lot of people do. But a TRILLION dollars? That's the current debt load of all the people in…
You can start an argument, or at least a spirited discussion, by raising the topic of higher education in America. The tuition is high, the level of…
The terminology has changed a bit, and so have some of the approaches. The people once called "illegal aliens" are now generally called "undocumented…