Northwest researchers find Medford, Grants Pass and Bend had the most wildfire smoke from 2019-2023.
As climate change increases the frequency and intensity of wildfires around the world, a new study shows that farmworkers are paying a heavy price by being exposed to high levels of air pollution
Smoky summers have become a real concern in recent years, with wildfires spreading thick smoke far and wide. But winter used to be the season of concern…
Most of this summer has been relatively mild, but memories of large fires and widespread smoke are still fresh from the last two years. Jackson County…
The last few fire seasons were hard on everybody who got caught in the smoke. And that was nearly everybody in our region, at some point in the summer.…
It's not smoky in the region as June comes to a close, but we should probably add the word "yet." Summer has featured a great deal of wildfire and smoke…
The last few fire seasons have a lot of people thinking about smoke. And one issue raised is the possibility of more controlled burns during the non-fire…
Even if the wet winter produces a light fire season and a relatively smoke-free summer, there are perceptions to counter. Our region got a reputation over…
Just talking about smoke from fires can make people uneasy in our region. The last few fire seasons have featured smoke hanging around--at unhealthy…
The wildfires in our region produce smoke and concerns about the smoke, mostly about breathing it. But we've explored the issue of "smoke taint" on wine…
West Coast businesses that depend on the summertime tourist dollar took a big hit from this years’ wildfires and smoke.The same thing happened last year.…
The tourism business is taking a pounding in the region this year. Even the people who love living here don't want to stick around when the wildfire smoke…
The warnings about heart disease went onto cigarette packages decades ago. Smoking can lead to heart disease; it's a clear link. And the last several…
You don't have to sell people in the state of ÀÏ·ò×Ó´«Ã½ on the region's charms. And tourism certainly helps pay the bills around here. But are we getting…