There are about 2,000 species of sea stars, aka starfish, according to . Although the common variety of sea stars have five arms, different species can grow many more, ranging in number up to 40 extending from their center. Scientists don't like the term "starfish" because the sea star isn't a fish.
are invertebrates, according to the National Aquarium. They're related to sea urchins, sea cucumbers and sand dollars, which are all echinoderms. Echinoderm means spiny skin—a reference to their hard, calcified skin, which helps to protect them from predators.
The sunflower star was listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on December 10, 2020. An estimated 5.75 billion sunflower stars have died due to sea star wasting syndrome with the global decline in population calculated to be 90.6% according to . In Northern California, the disease killed 99.2% of the creatures, according to a 2021 study.
Sunflower sea stars are one of the most endangered of sea stars. , six sunflower sea stars are now being raised in Trinidad lab.
CalPoly Humboldt scientist , PhD, is leading an effort to save the sunflower sea star species. He joins the Exchange to offer insights. Also joining the conversation is David L. Sinn, PhD, a lecturer in the Department of Wildlife at CalPoly Humboldt.